Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The End

Throughout the semester, this oceanography course has the aspect of geology and physic. This is the obvious part is the physics, the physics has been part of the Earth for centuries, believe it or not it is the ocean itself has physics. There has always been a curiosity to find out what is in the ocean and how did it become the way it is today, that curiosity has always been in almost everyone. Sometimes more people have more curiosity than others do. There has been explorers, whether it was to find a new way to get to China or to find a glow in the dark fish that lives miles in the ocean. People are willing to risk their lives to discover, it can be divers or explorers, like Columbus and Darwin. Many explorers and many divers male and female. The human curiosity had lead humans to the desire of wanting to discover what was deep in the waters, but there is one problem, that is lack of air in the water. The scuba suit was just an improvement from the metal head it was before. The scaba equipment is also an improvement to what it was before. Even now there is no finished producted. Inventions have always been part of everyones’ life. There is the invention of the compass, maps that had led us to the way new technology is today like the GPS. Has there ever been a thought in your mind about how a hurricane is trace and what path might it take? Wella s part oft he semester course, we had learned about how hurricanes were tracked and depending on the hurricane, it will depend on the path that the hurricane will take. It can only take a few hours for a hurricane to hit land and travel its path. This was not surprising to me, I already knew this could happen with a hurricane and I have seen it happen right before the hurricane became stronger. Measuring tides that all has to depend on the ocean floor and how it is made. It also depends on the moon, the ocean is effected by the moon during high tides and low tides, this is due tot he position of the moon. There is no such thing as cold or being cold, only being less warm or less warm. The water can have a low temperature, but a high density. The further down someone goes in the ocean, the more dense and cooler the water becomes than it is up on the surface. The continent had broken apart or separated due to the plate tectonics. There is a theory that the earths crust has six large plates that always moves along the earths crust. Another theory where there are cracks in the seafloor and magma pours out and then cools, making the new crust which slowly pushes away the old crust, making the seafloor larger. We had also learned about Bathymetric mapping, seafloor features are mapped by using sonar/sound. The sound bounces off the seafloor. At the rate that at it comes back and shows what the seafloors look like. The seafloor maps are mainly used as a navigation tool in the ocean in a way so almost no one hits a ridge or goes over a section where magma might be flowing out or hits any danger. Everything that we had done, every assignment, every blogger, they were all different compared to the one before that. The homework was either to type a blog or answer the chapter questions. The class assignments are not always hands on sadly, they were to take notes, do the assignment that was handed out, but when they were hands on, there were always worksheets that had to be filled out before, during or after the hands on work. The hands on work always had some kind of reading to go with it that was required to read before doing anything. The blogs were never the same either, they were either about our opinion or about what the last class assignment was and some more questions to go with it. Not all work can be fun, we all have to do work. If my mind did not work how it was and was able to work in a better way, I would probably already have gone scuba diving by now, if I saw what divers saw than I would probably have a different idea on the ocean and how it looks and would want to discover it like I want to discover the world.  If I had a better understanding on the ocean, I could think better and have an idea on how to help the world. I also know how the hurricanes form when one formed in front of the highway, but I also know how they trace hurricanes. I know how salitany and denity work. I do not always know my strengths and weaknesses, when they constantly change.  My strengths is any activity that gets my hands involved, but the weakness is that I cannot write it does not help me remember things as easy as activities do. My strength is also drawing, electronics like when we use blogger, and something happens to the computer most of the time I know what to do and how to fix it. The problem with strengths is that with every strength comes a weakness. When I draw for any of my classes, I will not be able to draw something for that class and will have to think harder and it will not turn out the way I wanted it to turn out. With electronics the problem is the electronics cannot be fixed or that if the electronic cannot be fixed than I cannot do what I need to be done. These are only some examples of what I can do for my classes and how they come in handy. Throughout the semester, I have learn an aspect of physics of the ocean.